Getting Started: EDIS Mobile (Beta) – Downloading the app

Please follow the steps below to download and install the app.

 ANDROID (no longer in Beta)APPLE (in Beta)

 Go to EDIS Mobile Download Links.  This link will allow you to install the latest stable version of the app.


Early release users will need to follow steps below.

Go to the Apple App store.  This will allow you to install the latest stable version.


Early release users will need to follow steps below.

Go to EDIS Test Flight  for the early release version                                              


The Google Play store will allow you to become a beta tester

The Apple Test Flight App will allow you to download the

Beta version and start testing the app


2Click the BECOME A TESTER link 

3Click the Download it on Google Play link 

4Click Installthe app should download, and you can Open the app 

 The App will open, and you can enter your EDIS email and password 

Here is a getting started doc, a user guide, but useful for developers: