EDIS retains electrical certificates in PDF format. The signed original can be downloaded by registered users with access and appropriate permissions to the EDIS system.
If the certificate has been stored on EDIS it can be downloaded or requested.

After reading this document you should be able to:

  • Retrieve and download your electrical certificate
  • Understand how to request your copy of the electrical certificate
  • Know that there is no charge for requesting your certificate

1          Retrieving your electrical certificate

If you are a a registered user with the appropriate permissions you will need to:

– Login

– Select the estate and building

– Select the certificates menu option: Next to the certificate record click on the PDF icon to download the certificate


2          Requesting your electrical certificate

If you are not a registered user with the appropriate permissions and access, you can request your certificate from : suport@electricalcertificates.co.uk


3          Service, costs and support for obtaining your certificate

There is no charge for requesting the certificate