Planning Fixed Wire Testing

Plan fixed wire electrical testing for an estate or the building

Planning an electrical inspection and testing program is data intensive and requires an integrated system to ensure as much of the data capture, transfer and updates are automated.

EDIS Compliance Management provides a planning tool for  Electrical inspection and Testing programs.  EDIS provides a circuit by circuit plan for testing and tracks the last/next test dates for each circuit.  The plan can be summarised by building, section, or floor providing a convenient tool to communicate the program status.

Circuit level tracking is an electrical compliance management best practice.. The feature provides a single view of all the circuits across an estate and allows users to report on buildings, boards and circuits that need testing. Using this information, EDIS provides a program of electrical testing to be prepared. The program list the planned test date for buildings, building sections, boards and circuits.

The circuit-level compliance planning provided by EDIS is enables annualized testing to be accurately tracked – providing clear reports on what has been tested and what needs to be tested and when it needs to be tested.

All the planning data is automatically generated based on the certificates completed during the electrical inspection and testing programme –  any changes can also be easily updated for each circuit or in bulk.

By automating the capture and updating of circuit and board details EDIS facilitates Smarter EI&T®

The successful planning for fixed wire testing using EDIS has two key elements: Specifying the use of the system and Following the procedures. The links below provide guidance on both of these key elements.