The best way to close off Actions Required is to is to create a Remedial Completion certificate: This allows you to select the items that have been completed – this outs theitems in a Work In Progres Status You can edit the comments on each item with additional information in the Action Required tab, then […]
Reducing building electrical data capture through the life of the asset

Large electrical data sets that need to be tracked over the life of the asset The end-to-end lifecycle of an electrical installation requires recapturing electrical data multiple times – this wastes time, reduces accuracy and costs more. EDIS provides a secure, auditable repository to share electrical distribution information at each stage of the lifecycle. The […]
The EDIS Cycle saves administrative time and data capture time

Your time is valuable – The EDIS Cycle reduces administration and data capture time by more than 50% EDIS provides a system and process to reduce the cost and effort of maintaining your electrical compliance records. This video walks through the EDIS cycle and the 8 steps required to save you time and effort in […]
Improving NHS Hospital Electrical Compliance

Leading NHS Estates Managers are achieving significant risk reduction and time saving with EDIS Electrical Certificate compliance management software.
EDIS BIM: BIM LEVEL 2 defines how information should be created, shared and managed.
BIM LEVEL 2 was introduced as a requirement for all government construction projects from April 4th 2016. This puts the responsibility on the contractor to demonstrate that they have the processes in place to meet the BIM Level 2 requirements. Theses processes need to show how you will meet the project’s requirements and how you […]
QR code for your electrical distribution boards
Attach QR codes to your distribution board to provide the right information to the right person at the right time Scan a QR code to view the distribution board schedule and its data. The EDIS distribution board QR codes provide a “bridge” between the physical and digital worlds, allowing electricians to easily access the data […]
EDIS BIM: Aligning with ISO 19650 : The Basics Principles
EDIS’s alignment with ISO 19650 includes: The electrical testing and compliance project requirements and milestones can be easily downloaded and shared with the project team via the compliance planning report. The delivery team plans a schedule and mobilises resources based on the number of type of circuit testing required and the planned completion dates Key […]
Over 900,000 electrical circuits have been inspected and tested using the EDIS system.
Another significant EDIS milestone: Over 900,000 electrical circuits have been inspected and tested using the EDIS system. When we began designing EDIS, we made three simple but important decisions: to be deep and specialized, to have infinitely scalable architecture, and to be secure. These decisions have served us well, and we continue to uphold them […]
There are challenges when dealing with extremely large PDFs, such as 3,000+ pages.
Yes, PDFs are a great way to share a record that is required for reference and does not need to be updated. However, there are challenges when dealing with extremely large PDFs, such as 3,000+ pages. The latest EDIS update addresses these challenges by enabling the faultless and reliable generation and storage of these very […]
Are my buildings electrically compliant?

The the most important questions to answer after an electrical testing program is whether the building is electrically compliant. For large estates or buildings, it can be difficult to answer this simple question. EDIS is a tool that helps to plan, report and manage the electrical compliance for estates and buildings. There are three parts […]