QR code for your electrical distribution boards

Attach QR codes to your distribution board to provide the right information to the right person at the right time Scan a QR code to view the distribution board schedule and its data. The EDIS distribution board QR codes provide a “bridge” between the physical and digital worlds, allowing electricians to easily access the data […]

EDIS BIM: Aligning with ISO 19650 : The Basics Principles

EDIS’s alignment with ISO 19650 includes: The electrical testing and compliance project requirements and milestones can be easily downloaded and shared with the project team via the compliance planning report. The delivery team plans a schedule and mobilises resources based on the number of type of circuit testing required and the planned completion dates Key […]

Over 900,000 electrical circuits have been inspected and tested using the EDIS system.

Another significant EDIS milestone: Over 900,000 electrical circuits have been inspected and tested using the EDIS system. When we began designing EDIS, we made three simple but important decisions: to be deep and specialized, to have infinitely scalable architecture, and to be secure. These decisions have served us well, and we continue to uphold them […]