Over the past 3 months, we have added additional EDIS features that were requested by EDIS users. These enhancements are aimed at improving the EDIS “Smarter Electrical Inspection and Testing” solution.
Our objective is always to improve the electrical compliance management process by providing a system that makes electrical testing and inspection as efficient and accurate as possible. Below is the list of enhancements that will contribute to this objective.
1. Seamless login experience using your company email id
Users can now use their corporate Microsoft or Google email IDs to register and log into EDIS. If your company is using Office 365 or Google G Suite, you can automatically log into EDIS. EDIS trusts your company login credentials and uses them to allow a seamless sign-on to the EDIS system. Access permissions to estates and buildings are still controlled within the EDI system.
2. Sending and tracking Electrical Danger Notifications:
During EI&T, the test engineers identify electrical risks and issues; these are recorded in the Electrical Inspection Condition Report. All these items are recorded in the EDIS Actions Required Report as soon as they are captured by the electrical tester. Electrical testers and managers can use the EDIS Danger Notification feature to send electrical risks and issue alerts to their customers. This workflow is tracked and reported as part of the Action Required log. Here is a link to additional information Electrical Danger Notification
3. Additional distribution board schedule layout that includes a QR code:
EDIS Allows QR codes to be associated with a distribution board. This in turn allows all the board information, images certificates, and circuit details to be presented when the QR code is scanned. The QR code beta testing identified several enhancements; one of the findings was the size and accessibility of the QR codes. To address the requirement EDIS now has an additional distribution board schedule that includes the QR code – users can scan the code to view the distribution board information, attached documents, and other information.
4. New Mobile app progressing to completion:
EDIS Mobile V3 remains a work in progress with many features that will make testing easier. A key feature is in integrating the QR code reader with the Electrical certificates, this provides a more efficient method of ensuring the electrical data is accurate, easily captured, and significantly reduces rekeying
5. Building Notes report on activities in a building:
The Building report provides a feed of the EDIS activities that have been carried out in the building, e.g. when certificates are completed or reverted, when electrical danger notifications are sent. This feature provides a useful view of what is happening within the building. EDIS now also provides a useful download that shows these events in a downloadable excel sheet.
6. Security enhancements for auditing and logging of security-related incidents:
Each EDIS release aims to review and improve the security posture by reviewing any cyber attack vectors and implementing suitable controls to prevent and limit any cyber attack. Over the past 3 months, we have improved the tracking of all events in the EDIS Cloud; this provides a pattern of events and allows the EDIS Cloud to identify any anomalies and send an alert in the event of any unexpected events, these events can then be investigated to ensure there is no malicious activity.
EDIS Support
EDIS powers Smarter EI&T® the best practices in electrical compliance management. Smarter EI&T® is a better way to plan, manage and deliver electrical testing programs and compliance.